
Saving For Retirement At 50

събота, 30 юни 2012 г.

Are you fifty years of age? If so, are you prepared for retirement? For many, retirement is just around the corner, about at the age of sixty. While some individuals will find themselves in good financial standing, many more see just how unprepared for retirement they are.

If you are unprepared for retirement, there is good news. That good news is that it isn't too late to start saving. If you just turned fifty, you likely have a little bit more than ten years to save. While it won't be as easy as it was when you were twenty, thirty, or forty, it is still possible.

The first step in planning for retirement at the age of fifty is determining how much money you need to save. On average, financial experts state that most individuals need at least 70% of their current income to financially survive through retirement. A small percentage of that, around 30% to 40%, may come from social security benefits. It is also stated that you should prepare to spend thirty years in retirement.

If you have been contributing to a 401(k) plan at work, you are a step ahead. You likely have a few thousand dollars or more saved. You will want to keep on contributing. Be sure to meet the requirements that your company has for matching. When you do so, your company will match the contributions that you made. This money can go a long away, especially if you are finding yourself unprepared for retirement.

If you are employed, it is also important to examine pension plans. Pension plans are advised for long-term employees. Now is the best time to get one, as you are less likely to leave your job. There are some companies that have rules and restrictions, such as you lose you pension if you switch jobs.

It is also important to examine Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Do you already have one? If not, now is the time to start. IRAs give you numerous tax benefits and they are a much better approach than traditional savings accounts. Why? Because many individuals find it easier to dip into their savings accounts and spend their money. Whether you use that money for yourself or give it to family members, it reduces the amount of money that you have for retirement. It is also important to note that the rules for IRAs are less strict when you reach the age of fifty, as you are able to deposit more money into your account.

As previously stated, most individuals will receive social security benefits that account for about 30 to 40% of income needed during retirement. This is, however, just an average figure. You can request a statement that outlines your benefits. This statement can give you an idea of how much in social security benefits you will receive overtime. With that said, this is also just an estimate; therefore, it is not a figure that you should rely heavily on.

Now it also the time to start living on a fixed income. There are two benefits to doing so. When in retirement, you will be on a fixed income. You will run into trouble if your money runs out too soon. Starting to live on a fixed income now can give you practice for when you truly do depend on it. Also, when living on a fixed income, you are able to reduce your expenses. Any money that you save can be put towards your retirement.

If worse comes to worse and you are truly worried about retirement, now is the time to supplement your income. A second job may be the last thing you want or need, but it may help you considerably. If you do opt for a second part-time job, place any money that you make into a retirement account, whether it be an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a savings account. Working a second job when you are fifty is much better than doing so when you are sixty.

Saving For Retirement At 40

Are you in your forties? If you are, retirement may be something that you occasionally think about. After all, you have been in the workforce long enough to wish you could get out of it. With the right retirement plan, you may be able to do so a little bit sooner than originally planned.

Of course, retiring a year or two early sounds nice, but it isn't as easy as you may have thought. The good news is that you are at the right time in your life. The amount of money that you are able to save and put towards retirement in your forties can have a significant impact on when you are able to retire.

If you have been putting aside a little bit of money in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or if you have been contributing to your 401(k), there is a good chance that you sat down and set retirement goals for yourself. This may include where you want to live and what activities you want to enjoy. Since your goals may have since changed, they should be reexamined. This is important in the event of a cost increase. If the costs of your retirement goals have increased, you need to work on saving more money.

It is also important to look at your spending. If you are a parent, now may be the time when your children are getting ready for college. Are you footing the college bills? If you wish to do so, first make sure that you can. As important as it is for your children to get an education, do not go into debt and do not dip into you retirement savings to pay for that education. Instead, examine other avenues of financing, which may include student loans for your children, scholarships, and grants.

If you have any debt, now is the time to get it paid off. Request a copy of your credit report. If any bills are marked as unpaid, work on getting them paid off. You cannot comfortably and securely retire if you are suffering from debt. The average consumer debt can be quite high. If yours is high, you may need to spend five to ten years paying it. That is why you should start now.

As it was previously stated, most individuals start contributing to their 401(k) plans or open an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) in their late twenties or thirties. If this is a step that you have yet to take, do so. The sooner, the better. On average, experts recommend contributing at least 5% of your income to be put in a 401(k) or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). With that said, if you are just getting started now, at least 10% of your income should be contributed.

Now is also the time to look at how retirement works. For example, most financial advisors state you will need at least 70% of your income to comfortably retire. Do you have this money? Can you reasonably come up with it? If not, now is the time to take further action. You do not want to rely on social security payments, as they are only able to provide most retirees with an average of 40% of needed income.

To make is so that you are able to relax and enjoy life in retirement, as opposed to working through it, it is a wise idea to start cutting corners now. Are there any unnecessary purchases that you can eliminate to help you save money? Can you reduce the packages for your television, internet, or cable? Are there ways for you to reduce your car insurance payments? If so, do so. Any money that you save can be put into a checking account or deposited into your IRA.

The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many that you, a person around the age of forty, can take to prepare for retirement. Remember, each year that passes by is one less year for you to save money for your retirement. Don't be left out in the cold or be unable to enjoy your favorite activities later on in life because you didn't start planning for retirement when you should of.

Saving For Retirement At 30

петък, 29 юни 2012 г.

Are you in your thirties? If you are, retirement may be something that you occasionally think about. If not, now is the time to start. While there are a number of benefits to saving for your retirement years when you are in your twenties, it is imperative that you start in your thirties. If not, you may find yourself with little or no money to retire with.

One of the easiest ways to set aside money for your retirement years is by saving money. Take any bit of money that you are able to save, by eliminating unnecessary purchases, and put it away. To save the most money, examine your spending habits. Buying an expensive pair of jeans is a nice pick-me-up when you were twenty, but now is the time to start worrying about your future. Remember, apply any money saved to your retirement future.

As for what you should do with your saved money, you do have a number of different options. One of the easiest approaches to take is to open a savings account. Often times, all you need is $50 to do so and your account should be fee-free, as long as you maintain the minimum monthly balance. As easy as it is to open a savings account, only do so if you are good with money. You will want deposit money into your savings account and forget all about it. If you have a passbook, hide it. Ignoring your savings account, aside from putting money into it, is the best way to leave it untouched. Unfortunately, with a savings account, it is much easier to get a hold of your money and you can do so without any immediate consequences.

As nice as savings account is, there are many other profitable and convenient approaches for you to take. These include a 401(k) plan. If you are employed and full-time, you should be able to contribute to your 401(k) plan. Have you already been doing so? If not, it is recommended that you start. Those in their twenties are encouraged to deposit at least 5% of their income into a 401(k). The same percentage is recommended for those in their thirties, as long as contributions were previously made. If this is the first year that you will continue to your 401(k), 7% to 10% is recommended. 401(k)s are nice because they offer tax savings and many employers will match contributions.

As previously stated, now is the time for you to start saving money. Eliminating unnecessary purchases and carefully tracking your spending is a great to reduce your living expenses and save additional money for retirement. Before you put all of that money into a savings account, 401(k), or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), examine your debt. Do you have any? Retirement and debt do not mix, so take steps to rid yourself of debt and start doing so now. The best step to take is to reduce your expenses, which was outlined below, and split the money saved between a retirement savings account and your unpaid debt.

Now is also about the time that you should start thinking about what you want your retirement to be like. Many people think this is a step that is too early for someone in their thirties to take, but there is no harm in planning ahead. Where do you see yourself when you retire? What kind of home would you like to live in? Do you intend to travel? What activities do you want to enjoy? These questions can help you determine how much money you need to retire. Of course, you can still continue to save money for retirement even if you don't know the answers to these questions, but a goal can help make sure you are able to retire comfortably and with ease.

The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many that you, a person around the age of thirty, can take to prepare for retirement. They are, however, the easiest steps to take.

Saving For Retirement At 20

Are you around twenty years of age? If you are, retirement may be the last thing on your mind. With that said, it should be at least towards the forefront. Why? Because the amount of money that you are able to save throughout your lifetime can have a significant impact on your future, the amount of money you have, and how you live until you die. Do you really want to be homeless or living with family when you should be able to support yourself?

One mistake that many men and women make around the age of twenty is assuming that they have more time to save for retirement. Yes, you do. You have into your 30s, 40s, 50s, and possibly even into a part of your 60s. With that said, there are no guarantees that you will be able to save money in that time frame. You have a job now, but will you five or ten years from now? There are two many what ifs that could result in you not having enough money to retire. That is why you are urged to start saving for retirement now, when you know you can.

Okay, you now know that you should start saving for retirement now, even if you are only 21 or 28 years old. You may, however, be wondering what steps you should take. First, you need to meet with human resource workers from your workplace. These individuals are knowledgeable on retirement plans that are operated by or through your company. One of those being the 401(k) program. Your company may also have a pension program that you can participate in as well.

When meeting with a company representative to inquire about retirement savings through your company, ask about matching. Most companies will match contributions made by their employees. There may, however, be some rules and restrictions concerning this match. For instance, you may have to contribute a specific dollar amount or percentage of your income. Speaking of which, most financial advisors recommend that those in their 20s put around 5% to 7% of their yearly income into a 401(k).

In addition to 401(k)s, those in their twenties are also encouraged to look into Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Although you will find some disputes online, many financial advisors suggest that Roth IRAs are best for those who are young in age. The only downside to Roth IRAs is that they money is not tax free when you deposit it into your account. It is, however, tax free when you retire, as long as you followed all rules and guidelines, such as not borrowing from your account early.

Another great way for you and others in their twenties to save money for retirement is to look at your spending habits. Most twenty year olds are known for their not so careful spending. Do you have extra money each week that you blow on new clothes or snacks that you don't really need? If you do, consider depositing that money into a savings account. Even if you only deposit $5 into your account a week, the money can significantly add up overtime. In fact, why not use a calculator to determine how much that $5 a week can turn into overtime. Don't forget that you can benefit from interest rates.

Saving for retirement early is a great way to make sure that you are set for life. The earlier that you start saving money, the more money you are likely to have in the end. With that said, there are risks. Due to young age, more individuals like you are likely to tap into their retirement savings. This is can be a risky and costly move. Remember that your retirement is important and that money shouldn't be used for a new expensive outfit or a trip overseas, especially one that you do not need to survive. Aside from depositing money into your accounts, it is best to just forget about them.

Save So You Can Bank On A Bright Future

Have you reached the point when merely looking at your bank statements you get a headache already? You might find your records out of place. You might even find yourself lost as to your current status and accounts. However, this is not a point for you to simply fret.

Now, you have to take the matters to your own hand.

Saving Money

Saving money is an important matter. It is something that you have to do regularly to come up with a considerable amount. With the current trends of the economy and the widespread consumerism, it has to be part of your lifestyle as it is your way to ensure a brighter future.


Most people who really want to save would maintain a savings account in a bank rather than put it in a money box or under a pillow at home. Putting the money in the bank is really a prudent move. The money is in safekeeping. It is not within your immediate reach, thus it is not within your immediate disposal. It can even earn interest.

Banking Strategy for More Savings

This means organizing your finances. This is where you look at your status, plan ways to improve your standing and make terms work for your benefit.

Savings Account

Having a savings account is definitely a sure way of getting assistance in your pursuit to save. However, you must be doing the right thing. Your money must really stay there. You actually have to maintain a certain amount to earn interest with your account.

If you cannot keep yourself from withdrawing, hide your ATM card. This defeats your goal to save and too many withdrawals will incur you fees.

Long-Term Deposits

Should it prove difficult to keep your savings account balance intact, you can opt to long-term deposits. This is where a certificate of deposit is given to you in exchange of a certain amount of your money. You can get higher interest rate here, so your money can earn more. You are also not allowed to get back the money within a certain period or else you have to pay a fine. The fine should be deterrent enough to keep from spending.

Features and Offers

Identify among the various banks out there. Consider the features they provide to clients. One bank will offer higher interest rates although you may feel more secure with another bank. Some also give special offers for a certain period. Simply know your options and study the information carefully before making a decision.

Save Money And Save The World

Saving money is the game now if you really want to bank on a good future for you and your family. This is one definite way to ensure that you make yourself able and ready for whatever big plans you have ahead, be it getting a new house, buying a car, sending a kid to college or even a grand vacation.

There are many ways to save money. It can range from setting aside a portion of your monthly paycheck or avoiding the little temptations for you to spend. Make it your goal.

Start at Your Own Home

Saving money should be part of your way of life to make it most effective. It is best that the effort to save be shared by everyone in the family.

Little Efforts

Do not drive if you really don't have to. If you can, just take a walk or take the bus. Riding the bike can also be very good for your body. Have a car pool with friends or neighbors. You can also suggest doing errands together like doing the grocery store.

Avoid the little temptations that may come your way. It is naturally fine to reward yourself after a hard work every now and then, but do stay away from splurging. Cut back on your expenses.

Use Less and Save Energy

Electricity - Turn off appliances that are not used. Turn the TV off if the show is not worth it. Close the refrigerator after getting what you need. Use lower wattage bulb for rooms that do not need much lighting. These will definitely add more data to your savings!

Water - Check for any leaks in your pipes. Always make sure that the faucet is not dripping. Avoid long showers. Use a glass when brushing your teeth instead of leaving the faucet on.

Phone – Choose a provider that has savings plans especially for long-distance calls.

Gas - Have your car tuned up so you can save on gas. Get membership benefits also from stations. Fill up the tank when the prices go low. You can also do a research on gas saving cars if you have to purchase a new one. Turn off the air conditioning. If there is no need for that, simply keep the windows open. Enjoy the ride and the cool wind.

You may not realized this before, but your household's basic utilities can actually be your key to saving more money. This has a two-way benefit. You get to save some dollars for your family. You also contribute in addressing the energy crisis.

Roth Iras For Financial Retirement

This is entirely an opinion based on the facts that I have available and should be viewed as nothing more than that. However, I feel I would be remiss in not pointing out the incredible value that Roth IRAs can bring to the table for savvy people who are planning their retirements. There are actually advisors that straddle the fence on this particular issue and I can honestly see the validity of both sides. For me, a Roth IRA is preferable to the Traditional IRA for one reason and one reason only. I would much rather face the evil that I know and pay taxes on that money now than the evil that I don't know by paying taxes not only on the investment but also the earnings later.

I know what tax bracket I am relegated to at the moment. I know about how much I'm going to pay in taxes on the income I've labored to receive about 65% of. I know these things in terms of what a dollar means today and would much rather pay that price now than later when I have no idea what tax bracket I'll be in or how much money I will actually see of my retirement earnings.

Many point out that the laws regarding the Roth IRA could change between now and then. This is very true. At the same time the laws in regards to the 401 (k) could quite possibly change in time as well. In the art form of complication the IRS could put out next years tax code in Greek and the average citizen would not be able to tell the difference, I for one think they already do this in the ultimate practical joke on the people. Bottom line is I would much rather retain the maximum allowable control over my money when I need that money rather than trying to write off the taxes I will gladly pay today.

Putting the taxes off until a later date is like getting a credit card with 0% interest for 12 months. What they don't put in the big bold print is that after the one year period or the 'honeymoon' so to speak is over that number goes up to well over 20%. At this point in time I have no magic crystal ball that can in anyway indicate what my tax bracket will be nor can it indicate that percentage of taxes I will owe five years from now much less 35 when retirement comes knocking on my door. The peace of mind that goes with not wondering if it will be enough after taxes is well worth the inconvenience of paying taxes on those funds today.

If you're looking for some even better news, try this on for size. By not paying taxes on the final amount you are actually adding hundreds of thousands of dollars to your income if you invest the full amount allowable over the course of the next 50 years. You will still save a huge amount of money if you only make the maximum investment over the course of the next 30 years. Every year you add to those figures helps wildly of course when it comes to the bottom line but if you are looking for a way to maximize your retirement funds, eliminating the taxes on those funds by and large is the way to go.

Retiring: Should You Rent Or Own A Home?

четвъртък, 28 юни 2012 г.

Are you in the process of planning for your retirement? Of course, you will want to take steps to save money for retirement, but you also need to have a plan, Part of that plan should involve determining where you want to live and how. A common question asked by soon-to-be retirees is "Should I rent or should I own?"

When it comes to determining if you should rent or own a home during your retirement years, it can be difficult to make a decision. Why? Because every situation is different. That is why you should first examine the pros and cons of each.

As for owning your own home, the biggest benefit of doing so is the equity you are provided with. This can give you security in your older age. Renting a home or an apartment does not provide you with any security at all.

In the aspect of security, owning a home is typically advised, especially one that is already paid for. Should you find yourself short on retirement money later on, you can always sell your home. The money that you profit can be used to relocate to a smaller home or you could consider renting instead.

The biggest downside to owning a home is the costs associated with doing so. When planning to retire or when in retirement, the last thing you may want or need is a mortgage to pay. With that said, remember that you do receive benefits. The interest rates on your mortgage can be used as a tax deduction. This can save you a small, but meaningful amount of money each year.

If you are the sole owner of your home, like if your mortgage is already paid off, do not make the mistake of assuming that you are free and clear. There are still expenses that you will need to account for in your retirement years. When you own your own home, you are responsible for all taxes, including both school and property tax. When you rent an apartment or a home, you are not the individual responsible, as these should already be included in the cost of your rent.

When comparing renting and owning a home in your retirement years, maintenance and renovations should also be taken into consideration. If you are 70 years old and your house needs a new roof, would you be able to afford the cost of it? You must be able to do so if you want to continue living in retirement safely and comfortably. As for renting, many renters receive reassurance and security because they are not the individuals in charge of making or paying for needed repairs and renovations.

One downside to renting a home or apartment is cost increase. Your rent can increase at just about any point in time. In most states, unless your lease states otherwise, rent can be increased with 30 days notice. Even so, most leases are only for one year, meaning your landlord can raise your rent then. In fact, your landlord can raise your rent to any amount that they want, even an amount that you cannot afford.

So which decision is best for you? Costs should be examined. If you live in an area with high rental rates, it is best to stay in your own home or even buy a new home. When making your decision, examine the long-term costs of each. Remember that rent can increase, while fixed rate mortgages do not.

Retirement-when To Plan For It

Retirement planning is much like funeral planning, in that people tend to put it off for another day. But it really does make the best sense to get in and start reasonably early.

This not only allows you to see how you will be doing financially, but you can make a retirement action plan as well.

Have a very close look at your superannuation plan and the money you are putting in. How much will you have once retired? What are your options for payout?

Considering inflation and your lifestyle will you have enough to live on and do the things you want to do. A financial adviser can be a great asset for these type of forecasts.

For this it's really never to soon to check in, perhaps in the last ten years before retirement you can plan to top up your retirement fund.

If you haven't bothered much with putting money into your plan, then start to do so. The more you can get into it the better.

Activities and time planning is another important area. You might want to save for the trip of a lifetime, will your retirement be a full or semi?

It might be a wonderful thought to be sitting back everyday with your feet up, but if you are accustomed to an active work life, you'll get bored fairly quickly.

So think as basic as everyday activities you can do. Gardening, sports, art, travel, craft, woodwork etc can all bring a new dimension into your life.

Retirement-money, Money, Money

When people talk retirement planning they are generally referring to financial planning. This is very important to some, and other like to think they'll worry about it at the time.

How much is enough? That will depend on the lifestyle you are going to plan on having once retired.

Some place a set amount into a retirement fund eack week. Others make investments, and real estate can be a very real choice under the circumstances.

One you retire, sell the house, and you have your money. Sounds easy doesn't it?

Even a combination of savings and investments can be looked at if you don't want all your eggs in one basket. It does make more sense to have more than one avenue for growing retirement funds.

The basic idea is to think about what age you might retire, and what you spend now to live a year. Naturally inflation will dictate that what you get for your money now won't be as much in twenty years.

So try and be realistic without pushing the panic button. Research your options, you can get in a financial adviser or use the resources on the internet.

Decide what lifestyle you want to live when you retire and try and get the tools inplace to achieve that. Are you willing to sell the family home? Do you want to travel? Is a retirement village good for you?

Once you know you can begin to find out how much you might need.

Retirement-i Can't Wait Till We Can

There is a trend to the things we all say we want to do during retirement. Whether or not we actually achieve them is another thing.

But it is quite amusing to dream of the 'good life' when we get to retirement age.

Go golfing, all day, everyday. Put a permanent 'gone fishing' sign on the door, and go fishing.

Laze on tropical island, with one of those fancy drinks Let the kids wait on us for change Borrow some money from the kids, because they are working and we aren't, that we never intend to pay back, as a payback.

Get a caravan, load it up, and drive off into the wild blue yonder Buy a new alarm clock everyday, so we can set it for when it's time to get up for work, and smash it with a hammer when it rings.

Write a book Read a book Go on a luxury cruise Think about work, and laugh. Travel the world.

Whatever your reasons for looking forward to retirment, keep it firmly in your sights. Make positive steps to have a life after work.

We often think about retirement with and air of "we'll have plenty of time to worry about that after". But if you need to top up your retirment money, knowing as soon as possible is best.

Also, having set plans to look forward too, keeps us in a positive mind frame as retirement age approaches. Retirement is your time to live.

Retirement Villages And Retirement Homes

сряда, 27 юни 2012 г.

This is a great option for a lot of people when they retire. Retirement villages vary in the services they provide depending on needs.

Some a very lavish, and very large, with stand-alone houses, others might be smaller, with units, and some might have a lodge type set-up with apartments or rooms. Retirement homes also can fit into this category on a smaller scale.

Villages can be a resort styled with activities. It may be based around a lake or near the beach, usually a large golf course is included and shopping facilities.

Houses are generally 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms with garages etc. priced from $300,000 to over $600,000. Of course this is for the a very grand resort type retirement village. You can also lease at $1,100 to $2,500 a month.

Retirement homes can be on a much smaller scale and generally have three main categorties they fall into. Active, Semi-Active and assisted.

Active basically means the residents are physically fit and actively take part in life, and they usually provide amenities such as golfing, boating etc.

Semi-active has residents who are still independent but may need assistance in some areas or want a medical source on hand constantly.

Assisted is basically residents with full medical care, and generally need assistance in their everyday life, and need medical staff daily.

If you factoring a retirement village or home into your retirement planning, have a good look around. Once you find a few perfect candidates go for a visit before you choose.

Retirement Planning: 5 Reasons You Should Meet A Financial Advisor

Are you planning and preparing for your retirement? If you are, you may have some questions. After all, soon-to-be retirees want and should have all of their bases covered. Of course, you can find retirement advice online or seek answers from those you know. There are, however, a number of benefits to meeting with a professional financial advisor. In fact, five reasons why are outlined below.

1 – Knowledge and Expertise

While anyone can claim to be a financial advisor, a small amount of research or recommendations from those that you know can help you ensure that you are dealing with a true professional. When doing so, you should receive valuable information. Most financial advisors are trained and experienced in the world of finance, as well as retirement. Generally, you should feel comfortable and trust the advice given to you by a financial advisor.

2 - Realistic Goals

Another benefit to meeting with a financial advisor is that he or see can make sure that your feet are on the ground. Unfortunately, many men and women get carried away with their retirement goals. If you want to start a business, you may be able to so. If you want to spend your days vacationing, you should also be able to do so. But, only if you have enough money saved. A financial advisor can let you know if it is even possible for you to meet your retirement goals in the remaining time that you have left to save.

3 – A Good Value for the Money

Yes, scheduling a meeting with a financial advisor will cost you money. Unfortunately, this is a problem for many. After all, to save for retirement, you are supposed to be saving money and reducing your expenses. While this is true, meeting with a financial advisor can be considered an investment. The small appointment fee is one that you can easily make a return on, should you adhere to the advice provided by your financial advisor.

4 – Easy to Schedule an Appointment

Many soon-to-be retirees don't want to go through the trouble to find and then schedule an appointment with a financial advisor. Doing so doesn't have to be difficult. First, ask for recommendations from those that you know and then call to make an appointment. The internet can also be used to research and find quality and reliable advisors. Your local bank may also be able to provide you with assistance.

5 – The Consequences

The consequences of not meeting with a financial advisor or not being prepared for your retirement are enough reason why you should schedule an appointment. At this point in your life, you should have been contributing to your 401(k) and you should also have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) with money in it. If not or if you don't even know what these accounts and plans are, you need to meet with a financial advisor right away.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits to scheduling an appointment with a financial advisor. A financial advisor does more than an accountant. In addition to helping you save money, they can also help you determine exactly how much money you need to retire comfortably. Yes, you can develop this total on your own, but financial advisors know to take other factors into consideration as well, such as medical emergencies and inflation. Do you?

Retirement Planning Mistakes You Need To Avoid Making

Are you ready to start planning and preparing for your retirement? If so, congratulations you are making a step in the right direction. The earlier you start planning for your retirement, the better off you will be when the time comes.

The decision to start planning and preparing for retirement is a wise decision. As previously stated, the earlier you start, the better. With that said, the earlier you start planning for retirement the more mistakes you are likely to make. These mistakes, a few of which are outlined below, can cause financial problems and more when you are ready to retire.

Not creating a budget for yourself and not tracking your spending are two mistakes that you will want to avoid making. This often leads to you spending more money than you have. You should be saving for retirement, especially at around the age of forty, not getting into debt. For that reason, never spend money that you don't have and never spend all of your money. It is best, but a must when you reach the age of forty, to start paying for all of your purchases with cash, checks, or debit cards. Before doing so, however, make sure that you have enough money to spend and keeping on saving for retirement.

Another common mistake that people make, when creating a retirement plan, involves not taking health into consideration. Health and the impact it can have on your retirement can work two different ways. For starters, what if you get sick? Can you afford the cost of emergency surgery or long-term medical care? Even if you are healthy now, remember that your health can always take a turn for the worse. It is also important to note advancements in medical technology. Many men and women are living longer than they originally planned for. You don't want to run out of retirement money just because you lived longer than expected.

In keeping with your health and wellbeing, it is important to examine your spouse and visa versa. There is a good chance that one of you will live longer than the other and possibly a significant amount of time longer. Make sure that you have enough money to retire on your own, in the event that your spouse passes away. It is also important to recheck all important documents. Make sure your will, mortgage, and all property deeds are in order and designed to protect the surviving spouse.

Relying too much on government assistance, like social security, is a mistake that many make. This is a mistake that can be damaging to you. Did you know that social security will only pay for portion of your retirement needs? On average, it only covers about 40% of your needs. What plan do you have for the other 60%? If you don't have a plan, now is the time to develop one.

The biggest mistake that many individuals make is dipping into their retirement funds before they are ready to retire. This is a huge mistake that can have a negative impact on your retirement and your finances in the future. You should never take money from your retirement funds, unless it is a dire emergency. Use your retirement savings as a last resort. If you need cash quickly, consider approaching your local bank or speaking to friends or family members to acquire small loans.

Not knowing all of your saving options is another mistake that you will want to avoid making. Did you know that there are multiple ways that you can save money for retirement? There are, for example, a employer's 401(k) program, as well as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). There are also many others who use stock and bonds to save extra money for retirement. In fact, it is advised that you spread out your retirement savings to offer you protection. Do the proper amount of research online or schedule an appointment with a financial advisor before it is too late.

Retirement Planning For Where You Will Live

There are many things that people plan for when planning their retirement. They plan for the travel they wish to do, to have money for gifts for the grandchildren they hope to have, and all kinds of wise and practical thing. In the process, however, many people neglect to plan for where they wish to live upon retirement. We are seeing a growing trend of retirees moving to certain communities. This is all well and good. It's nice to be around people of similar ages and interests and live in communities that cater to those interests. However, one thing is often overlooked during the process. The prices in these communities, and the average cost of living are quite likely to be different than the cost of living where you are. This is true unless you plan to retire where you live.

The fact is that there is a growing trend among retirees to migrate to certain population centers. The entire coastal region of Florida would almost qualify though not all communities in this area are equal when it comes to being retiree friendly. The problem is that most people who retire live on limited budgets and can't afford the high dollar real estate that is part and parcel for these areas. One solution to that is to decide where you'd like to retire and buy real estate in that area early.

There are all kinds of housing communities being built around the nation as we speak. In addition to these communities high rise towers and condominiums are being built to cater not only to time-share renters but also retiring baby boomers that are moving into these areas. The earlier you buy the better, as property values do tend to increase gradually over time. There are trends and twists and turns but for the most part, property will gain in value given enough time in which to do so. The good news in these 'time share' and popular destination areas is that you can own the property and rent it out for a little extra income while you are biding your time waiting for retirement.

Once you've purchased a property in the area you can make the rounds and get a good comparison for the value of goods and services in the area compared with what you are accustomed to. You can add the difference in your calculations for what you will need when making your retirement plans. Failing to do this can result in some very sad situations many retired people find themselves in. These could include living in sub standard and unsafe housing and not having enough money left after paying the rent to cover the cost of food and medication much less other needs that may be encountered.

You should also make sure that you add the little cushion of money into your planning so that you can occasionally through caution to the wind and do something fun. After all, what good is it to be retired if you can never afford to live it up a little? Make sure you have enough money set aside to take that cruise every spring or fly up to see the grandkids two or three times a year. You want to make sure that you can enjoy your retirement or you will find endless days of staring at the television. What fun is that?

The costs of living in this country from one region to the next can be significantly different. If you do not consider where you will be living upon retirement when calculating the numbers you are doing yourself a great disservice. This is definitely something you will want to discuss with your financial planner before it is too late to make the changes that will affect your future and retirement needs. It is good to have dreams of where you'd like to retire but it is even better to take the steps necessary to make your retirement dreams a reality.

Retirement Checklist: Are You Prepared?

Are you looking to retire within the next two to three years? If so, it is imperative that you are prepared to make the leap. Retirement can be a fun and exciting time in your life, but only if you are fully prepared for it. To make sure that you are, please continue reading on.

Before retiring from your job, make sure that you and your spouse are properly covered by health insurance. Not taking this step can be costly and it can have a negative impact on your retirement savings.

Most senior citizens are able to qualify for Medicare. Do you? If so, complete your paperwork and signup right away. You do not want to create any lapses in coverage. If you do not qualify for Medicare yet, be sure to examine other avenues of coverage. Can you purchase affordable health insurance or can you extend your current health insurance plan with COBRA?

Before retiring from your job, make sure that both you and your spouse are covered with the right amount of life insurance. Do you have a private life insurance policy? If not, now is the time to get one. Some employers terminate an employee's life insurance policy if it was provided and paid for by the company. As your age increases, life insurance is a must, so make sure that you are covered.

If you have been contributing to your company's 401(k) plan and an IRA, you need to decide when to start withdrawing this money, as well as how you want to do so. Do you want to receive one large, lump sum payment? If you are unsure, it may be best to first consult with a financial advisor. In fact, when doing so, be sure to ask about all rules and restrictions. If you withdrawal your money from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) before the written guidelines, you may be charged a penalty.

Over the past few years, you likely developed a clear vision of what your years in retirement would look like. Where do you want to live? What type of property do you want to live in? What activities do you want to enjoy? Do you want to start your own small business? Your retirement savings are likely based on your retirement wants and needs. Now is the time to make any last minute changes, as you still have a couple of years to save additional money.

Do you foresee yourself making a large purchase in the near future? These purchases can include a new home or a car. If so, now is the time to make them, especially if you will depend on financing from a professional lender. Some lenders will give loans to those in retirement, but some are also cautious of doing so, due to fixed income living. That is why you are encouraged to make all large purchases before you enter into retirement.

The above mentioned points are just a few of the many that you will want to examine and take action when needed. As a reminder, if you plan to retire in two or three years, you still have time to save for retirement. Contribute any amount that you can to your 401(k) or Individual Retirement Account (IRA). When it comes to retiring, there is no such thing as having too much money.

Retirement And Depression

вторник, 26 юни 2012 г.

It is not at all uncommon for people who have been used to spending a lot of hours at work, to feel useless or as if they aren't worth anything anymore.

Retirement is the ending of one phase of life and the start of a new one, so allow yourself or your partner the separation time grievance period.

Often workplaces are a support system, and social network as well as validation that we are worth something.

Here are some common signs of depression. Any, all, or a combination of these may indicate a problem, or potential problem.

Constant tiredness Reluctance to leave home Lack of personal care Mood change A feeling of constant sadness Lack of concentration Withdrawal from friends and family Cease doing things that used to be enjoyed

The important thing to know is that depression can happen to anyone and it isn't something people can just snap out of.

People often put on a happy front even when depressed, it's the time the spend alone, that can signal depression.

Every single person in the world wants to feel they are contributing and they have a purpose. Stopping work can often take this away, especially if a close social base has been formed in the workplace.

Make sure you are ready for retirement, many companies are only too happy to have your continue beyond retirement age. Be sure to seek help for depression, it is treatable, and it is not a sign of weakness.

Retire On Permanent Holiday

It's quite possible and done often, retirees are using money to live on cruise ships and travel the world. Cruise ships often cost around the same per day as a retirement home, and there is no worry about maintenance, cleaning or fresh linen.

Food is well taken care of, and so is entertainment. When you want a change of scenery, swap ships and go see another part of the world.

You might even find a neat place to buy a nice little cottage and sun yourself everyday. Place like Costa Rica are very popular.

Often the family home is too big once the family has grown. As people move toward the permanent-holiday type of retirement companies have residential cruise ships available.

These have everything you would ever need to live comfortably. Here is one of the descriptions as found on residentialvessels.com:

Unique in design, with all of the comforts and conveniences of a sophisticated upscale retirement community or condo or hotel.

Health Care, pharmacy, groceries, entertainment, leisure activities, golf, restaurants, World class spas, 24 hour concierge, international banking, offshore bank and financial service, business services, and more world class facilities.

Imagine, being able to travel around the world, within the security and comfort of Your own home, and what you bring along on Your trip, is everything.

Everything in Your ideal luxury home, Your complete wardrobe, your interior accents, and your personal possessions.

Or you can use this as a second place to live. We'll design the interior and furnish it.

Retire From Work-not From Life

Sometimes the reality of retirement can be a far cry from the dreams of what retirement will be like. Many reasons occur for this and it is quite common to go through a perion of feeling down in the dumps.

Not planning properly is one reason for this. Plan ahead and make it something to look forward to. A new stage in life, a new door opening.

Retirement can fall short if your money situation isn't as flush as you'd expected, feeling bored or like you have no purpose, may have the tendency to let depression creep up.

The important thing is the realize there are so many more things you can do to contribute to your life. Allow yourself to relax and know you deserve to take some recreation time.

The very best way to get a boost is to try something new.

It can be difficult if unplanned illness or loss of a spouse arises. Give yourself plenty of time to reconsider your options.

Be sure to still plan activites and join some clubs to make new friends if you need to. Remember it's a big world and there are thousands of things you can do.

There are also many support services available, so use them. Most importantly, plan to live your life regardless of what happens.

Sitting at home won't replace that feeling, so find a few interests and join some groups. You'll find plenty of kindred spirits and swapping stories will be fun.

Recession-proof Your Family's Entertainment- Low Cost Ways To Have Fun

Recession does not mean boredom for your family. You do not have to slump down at home trying to sleep the recession away when you can still have fun without having to spend too much. Here are some ways to keep your family entertained without putting a big dent to your budget.

Grow a Green Thumb – Low Cost Way to Have Fun and Have Food

Gardening is one of the most productive and yet less-costly ways to entertain oneself. If you have the kids helping, you can double the fun. Just as long as you do not use high-maintenance, which are also usually expensive plants, you can have a ball growing vegetables and fruits that you can also use to make your own meals. This means more savings for your family!

Watch your Local Sports Team – Inexpensive Way to Support your Local Team

Kids enjoy watching sports. Support your local sports team by adding yourself and your kid as part of its seated cheering squad.

Go to community events – Low Cost Activity to Enjoy your Neighborhood's Events

Your local local colleges, city bulletin boards, newspaper listings, and libraries usually post special entertainment events that you can attend for free.

Host a Garage Sale – Fun and Inexpensive Way to Earn Extra Income

It's high time to get rid of your old bags that only gather dust in your closet. And what better way to get rid of it than to sell it in a garage sale. A garage sale is not just a way to earn you extra money, it can be highly entertaining, too. Getting the whole family to participate, from gathering the items, pricing and selling them can be a whole bunch of fun.

Backyard Camping – Go Cheap, Local and Fun

You do not need to travel miles to be able to enjoy camping. Your backyard can be one cheaper and less-stressful place to have camping with your family or friends. Just make sure to make the ambience conducive to camping. If you want, you can even invite your nosy neighbors to join you.

Purchase annual passes – Low Cost Amusement

Amusement and water parks usually offer annual tickets that do not cost much. Take advantage of these offers if your family is into this type of entertainment.

Enjoy YouTube – Free Techie Fun

The Internet technology now offers free entertainment via online videos. YouTube is the most popular source of these videos. You can also watch movies through other free movie sites.

Belt it out – Enjoy and Learn while Saving Money

If you do not have a karaoke microphone, you can borrow from your friends. There is also an online version of karaoke that you can also use as a form of free entertainment.

Play Online Games – Not Just for Kids but for Your Wallet's Health, too

There are millions of free online games that you can enjoy with your kids. Whether you want to play word games or puzzle games, the variety of online games is endless.

Set a Family Day – Regular Way to Save Money and Have Fun

Whether you play scrabble, go camping in your backyard, or watch online videos, setting a regular family day doing these simple and yet fun activities will condition your family to look forward to less-expensive ways of having fun. It's a great way to bond with your family members, as well.

Recession's Effects On Your Business And How To Control Them

понеделник, 25 юни 2012 г.

The impact of recession can be very damaging not only to households but to businesses as well. Learn about these effects of recession and prevent your business from succumbing into its deadly claws.

1. Customer scarcity

When you have too few customers, consequently, your income suffers as well. The rising prices make customers too picky or less interested in giving you business. Existing customers may also be re-assessing their spending, which results in fewer orders for you. So what do you do? How about changing your customer acquisition techniques? Have you tried online marketing? This may not be suitable to all businesses but there's no harm in considering it. Online marketing has many forms and doing your assignment will prove to be helpful in determining which technique will benefit most your business.

2. Ridiculously high credit card debt

Inflation is likely to happen during inflation, which means your expenses can be higher than normal. If you have been relying on your credit card for payments, you now need to monitor your spending really closely. This is because losing track of your expenses can surprise you one day when you no longer have enough funds to pay off all your debt. You do not want to have problem with your credit card because a bad rating will not be of great help when you are trying to obtain approval for loans.

3. Increase in cost of utilities

The rising price of food, electricity and gas can put a big dent to your business. This can be especially true if you run your business form a physical location. Increase in monthly bills means lower income. So how do you resolve this? There are so many ways to save money on utilities. One is to cut back on non-essentials. It the weather does not need for a full blast AC unit turned on, turn it off. If you can turn off the lights more often without making the business operations suffer, then do so. If you can use less expensive packaging methods or materials, please do take advantage of cheaper alternatives. Re-assess all the nooks of your business. Take a harder look to your books to get deductions. Lessen expenses in every way possible. Make the most out of technology. If you can automate parts of your business, do so. You can also hire contract workers such as virtual assistants to help you be more productive and to allow time for you to brainstorm on how to improve your business.

4. Funds gone kapoot

If you started your business using a loan, you might find yourself out of savings to fall back on if you need funds to survive the recession. To control this, have a suitable savings plan, wherein you can put in some of your income. This allows you to have a backup plan whenever the current downturn happens.

5. Low staff morale.

Slow periods mean sadder employees. Why not add incentives and create contests to boost the morale of your sales team? This is the best time to get your creative juices flowing to help motivate your employees. Having motivated employees means increased sales. So, don't be too stingy with incentives and praises.

Have you felt any of these yet? If so, what are you waiting for? Try out the suggestions on how to control the effects of recession.

No Fret Family Budget

For some, the idea of a budget is often a blur. It is frustrating to see how hard it is to do a budget and realizing that with one wrong purchase, you can actually ruin the entire thing. And this has been a perennial headache for most homemakers.

It is about time to overhaul the way people look at budgeting. It can actually be a great way to keep track of your family's expenditures and help you evaluate the things that you spend the lion's share of the family's earnings on.

What is a budget? A budget is a tool for handling your finances by controlling the family's expenditures in a way that money is enough for paying up bills, and still ensuring that savings are set aside for future expenses - vacations, or children's education, or even for retirement.

Try these simple steps in preparing a no fret family budget, and see the benefits of intelligent spending.

1. Gather three months of your pay stubs and get your average monthly earnings.

2. Get out three months of your monthly bills. Do this for the fixed expenses like the rent, phone bill, car payments and other loans that come monthly. Add them up and get the average. Do the same for other expenses like groceries, and credit card bills.

3. Evaluate the results of your computations. Looking at your average monthly earnings against your monthly fixed expenses and other monthly expenses, think of some ways to economize. Cut back on some items that are somehow unnecessary.

4. Knowing the facts of your income and expenses, develop a family budget and try to stick to this monthly budget.

5. Now that you have a monthly budget, set up a savings account. Save up by making regular deposits to this account.

6. Keep track of this monthly family budget just to see if it is working for you. Try to fine-tune the "rough edges" of this budget as you go along.

7. If you can get hold of a personal budgeting software or spreadsheet application to keep record of your budget, the better. This will make organizing your expenses very easy.

These are the basic steps in developing and implementing a no fret, easy to stick to monthly family budget. Of course each family has diverse needs and wants. You have the freedom to develop your own monthly family budget, depending on your family's financial background and needs. No matter how you do it, just focus on the end result, which is building a savings that leads to a bright and financially stable future for your family.

Methods Of Saving Money

Saving is basically putting aside money or a way to utilize your present income for future use.

One saves for several reasons such as for a college education, buying a new car, for a new TV set you wish to acquire in three to four months time, for down payment on a home, or to provide for yourself when retirement comes.

As much as there are several reasons for saving, there are likewise many methods in which one can save. In most instances, the best method can be determined by whatever plans you have for the future.

1. Savings accounts. When saving for just a short period or for emergency purposes, consider opening a savings account passbook, as it is in this method that you can easily gain access to your funds.

Great for both long and short term savings, you can deposit and withdraw money to your account and earn interest, based on your average daily balance. A minimum balance is required to be maintained though, and you are charged with a penalty should you fail to maintain it.

2. Checking account with interest. Here one can benefit from checking account conveniences, while your deposits gain interests. Generally these types of accounts grants privileges such as limitless withdrawal and check writing, access to ATM and bill payments that can be done online.

This method typically requires a daily maintaining balance of at least $2,000.

3. Money market insured accounts. For long-termed goals, this method is ideal, as it generally offers a much higher rate of interest compared to a regular or standard savings account.

The interest rate usually is dependent on the amount of money in your bank account; larger balance means higher interest.

4. "CD" or Certificates of Deposit. This is a savings method requiring you to "loan" your money to your financial agency for a certain time frame, usually ranging from thirty days up to five years. Here, the longer the time span again, means higher interest.

Keep in mind that usually insurance companies offer better deals on interests compared to banks, so before you invest, compare rates first!

At certain times, when your goal is many years away, it can be a wiser decision to save money in a certain way that you are not drawn on using it other than the main reason for saving it. Deciding on the right financial agency such as a bank, credit union or insurance firm can bring about a lot of benefit in your finances.

Keep Them Handy: Budgeting Tools That Work

Budgeting your monthly expenses in order to get the greatest return on your income (and perhaps, even put aside some for saving!) doesn't have to be extremely hard.

Various budgeting programs are available for use. Money management programs provide you with a usual package that allows you to enter your cash inflows and outflows, categorizes your expenditures, and at times, presents to you analysis of your spending behavior. Through these programs you can also input the various payments you have to make monthly, and subsequently track if you've paid your dues on time. Moreover, some programs also offer you a tax form draft that will help you make sure you"re not missing out on any dues or any deductibles, for that matter.

Another budgeting tool that you can utilize are coupons. Various stores and magazines contain coupons that you can use to get discounts on various products. Should there be a need to purchase a particular product for which you have a coupon for, you will end up saving a fraction of what you might have had to spend on a regular purchase.

Lists—whether on a piece of paper, on your cellular phone, or on your personal digital assistant (PDA) will help you keep focused on what you have to buy, and in effect, keep track of the purchases you make. A classic example is your regular grocery trip. Prior to making the trip, plan out the week's entire menu and identify what food items and materials you need to purchase that are unavailable in your pantry. Then, make a list of other household items that you've run out of (or are eventually going to run out of before you can make the next trip to the grocery). Armed with these lists, you can go to the grocery and know exactly where to go and what you"re going to buy. Without these lists, you will walk idly along aisles, and will likely pick up various food items that you won't likely need in the immediate future, or already have at home.

A filing system is perhaps one of the best budgeting tools you can have in your home. With simple, labeled file folders, you can put together your bills, your receipts, and whatever bank documents are issued to you when you save or pay. By putting together your bills, your credit card receipts, and the like, you are able to keep track of how much you owe and when your payments are due.

Effective budgeting tools are those that best address your needs as a consumer. Create your own budgeting tool or find a program to do it for you—just make sure it suits your lifestyle.

How You & Your Partner Should Save Money

Most newly-married couples are having a hard time adjusting to a different way of life, especially when it comes to financial matters. As separate individuals, your spending habits will differ. This is why you both need to make certain adjustments to combine the household budget.

Here are some ways on how you and your partner can make the "financial aspect" of your marriage harmonious and organized:

1.Understand the way that you both look at money.

If you and your spouse have different beliefs when it comes to money matters, sit down and discuss it. The key here is to be able to compromise. For some people, money is a security measure that needs to be saved. Other people spend it luxuriously and look at spending money as a means to reward themselves for their work. Still, other people are very thrifty that they hardly ever spend a cent of what they have earned.

Understand that the way that you both treat and spend money stems from how you were brought up by your parents. Think of everything that you need to discuss when it comes to your household budget. If possible, set rules on how you will spend your combined income on utility bills, food, mortgage, car maintenance, etc.

2.Set future financial goals.

If you are newly weds and you are planning to have a baby soon, consider this when organizing your finances. If you are a couple nearing the age of retirement, you can make plans on where you will spend your leisure years. Setting long-term and short-term goals will help you finalize your financial plans.

3.Share your money-saving skills with your partner.

If you have different family backgrounds, then you would have something to contribute towards organizing your joints assets. Make each other aware of your personal finances then think of ways on how you can further boost your money-handling tactics.

By following these tips, you will surely have your finances organized to lead a more comfortable lifestyle.

How To Save Money On Utilities

неделя, 24 юни 2012 г.

Expenses on utilities contribute to most of your household bills. Did you know that you could save a lot of money through your utilities? Here are some pointers to help you do this:

1. Identify which appliances consume much electricity and contribute the most in making the electric bill cost that much. You can save hundreds of dollars annually by enrolling in a home management load program that offer a 100-dollar savings in a year on electric utility hour rate programs. This will help you lower your electric payments and will teach you on home energy conservation.

2. It is recommended that you have improved appliance efficiency. The heating system appliances are the ones that consume too much electricity. The refrigerator and the water heater consume that much energy as well. Make sure to check these items regularly to ensure their efficiency. A well-maintained appliance will sustain its performance and will give you it's accurate use of electricity.

3. Always remember to give your furnace a tune up at least twice a year. You have to cover the water heater to insulate it and give your refrigerator coils a cleaning at least twice a year as well. You may also set a timer for the heater to have regular flow of electricity whenever it is in use. You may call your utility service to check if there is a low rate offered during any specific time of the day.

4. You may also save money by lowering your heating bills. You may set your thermostat down three degrees to make you save 3 percent on your bills. You may even save more by not using it while you are at work or you can even turn it lower during nighttime when you are asleep. This can help you conserve electricity and save more money.

5. You may want to lessen your long distance telephone calls to lower your telephone bills. If it is a need to call a very important person, you may call during weekends and night hours. Telephone companies offer a lower rate for long distance calls during those times of the day. The best alternative to save money is by using the Internet to communicate with your friends and relatives instead of the telephone.

6. You may want to consider lowering your water bills in order to save money. Check if there are leaks so that you may fix them immediately. You may put a water saving showerhead to lessen the use of water when taking a shower. You can use a big container to stock water in the bathroom as an alternative rather than using the shower in the bathroom.

How To Save Money On Gifts

Giving gifts does not have to be spendthrift. As the old adage goes, "It is the thought that counts". This goes to show that people can start cutting back on gifts that would cost them hundreds of dollars. It is best to opt for things that may not be that expensive but would definitely bring joy and amusement to the one who will receive the gift.

So, if you want to give gifts but with a tight budget, worry no more because there are many ways to cut back on the prices but still be able to give gifts that will be deeply appreciated.

Start a Gift Closet

If you have not done this before, try to do it now. Shop for gifts the whole year-round. This would mean less hassle and less expense, a definite money-saver.

The point here is that if you do not plan in advance, you will end up spending more.

You could try buying gifts at bazaars, special sales, and out-of-town trips, which you can deposit in your gift closet. In this way, you can buy the items at a much lower price than it would be sold for during the holidays.

However, to make sure that you do not give the same gift twice, you should make an inventory of all your gifts. This will also allow you to keep tabs on what you have in your stock.

Alternatively, apart from stockpiling gifts, collect wrapping paper, ribbons, and other accents as well. A gift is better appreciated when it is beautifully wrapped.

Be Creative

Nothing could be more amusing than a gift that was specially made by the person who gave the gift. Personalizing you gifts is far better than commercially made items. In this way, you do not only create a smile to the one who will receive the gift but would also cut back a large amount from your expenses.

Organizing Tip

One of the best ways of saving money on gifts is to be organized with the process. That is, before going to the store to shop for the gifts, always bring with you a shopping list. It should be stated there the names of the person to whom you will give the gift and the budget for each person.

The bottom line is that gifts should not be expensive. What matters most is that you have thought of the person on that very special day and that's enough to make them feel they are special to you.

How To Save Money And Avoid Temptations

Saving money and financial management is very crucial in one's life. Money is very important in order to survive in this world but only a few people know how to manage their household budget properly. Many people have a hard time saving money even if it is for their own good.

Most of the time, you may be motivated to save money but there are times when temptations come your way and before you know it, you have already spent the amount that was supposed to be added to your savings account. Here are some helpful tips on how you can avoid temptations and be able to save money:

1. Try hard to avoid those things that keep you from saving. If you are fond of buying shoes even if you don't really need them, try very hard to stay away from them. Keep yourself away from shoe stores so that you will not be tempted to buy one.

2. When going to grocery stores. Always bring the exact amount and bring with you a grocery list. If you have limited money in your pocket when in grocery stores, you will be forced to buy only those important things that you need. Preparing a grocery list will also help you get organized and will help you in deciding the things that need to be prioritized.

3. Go to the malls only when needed. Do not go shopping if you do not need anything important to buy. Window-shopping will only tempt you to buy the dress you saw in the boutique even if you don't really need it.

4. Do not bring with you your credit cards all the time. Having a credit card in your pocket will only tempt you to buy things that are not necessary. This will also help you lower your balances and have a good credit score.

5. You may want to save money in the bank or invest in time deposits. You will not be tempted to get money from the bank every time you need cash, if they are placed in a time deposit account.

6. You may also want to consider consulting a financial advisor. There are a lot of programs that offer these services for free. They may be able to help you and give you advice on how you can avoid temptations and save more money.

How To Meet New People After Retiring

Are you getting ready to retire? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, there is a good chance that many of your friends are reaching the age of retirement as well. Unfortunately, you may find some of these friendships coming to an end or you may at least see a reduction in frequency. Why? Because many retirees are now choosing to relocate, often to their dream vacation destination.

If you find yourself retired and without many friends, you will want to take action. Retirement is a time in life when you should be enjoying yourself. This includes making and developing new friendships. For tips on how you can do so, please continue reading on.

Your county's senior center is a great place to start. Most areas in the United States have senior centers for their local seniors. These centers are typically run on a countywide basis, meaning that you may have to travel to the next town over. The good news is the reward that you will receive. At one point, many senior centers were only used to provide health and retirement advice to senior citizens, but now they are also being used for entertainment. Some counties have days filled with onsite activities, that may include cooking classes, group counseling sessions, arts and crafts, and well as bingo games.

In addition to events that are hosted by your local county's senior citizen program, there should also be other public and privately sponsered events in your area. Attending these events, namely those that are designed for seniors, is a great way to get out and meet new people. Look in your local newspaper or on community message boards for informational seminars for senior citizens, exercise classes, recreational card games, and cooking classes.

Volunteering is another great way to meet other seniors and retirees your age. As an added bonus, you can feel good about yourself in knowing that you are doing a good deed by volunteering. For the largest selection of other men and women your age, you are encouraged to examine hospitals and nursing homes that need volunteers. Other volunteer opportunities may include the library, pet shelters, and local schools.

If you are at the point where the lack of social interaction you are getting or expect to receive is having a negative impact on your health and wellbeing, consider relocating to a retirement home or community. Regardless of where you live now or where you want to live, you should have multiple living options. Retirement communities and homes are a great place to meet other retirees and senior citizens, as everyone is about the same age. Just be sure to greet those that you meet in the hall.

Speaking of retirement communities and homes, make use of all onsite services and activities. Most retirement communities and homes are designed to provide residents with convenience. For example, your facility may have weekly exercise classes, card games, or bingo games. If so, attend these events to meet new people. Also, frequenting high traffic areas, like the mailroom and laundry room, can also give you an opening to meet new people.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can meet new people and develop new friendships once you enter into retirement. As an important safety note, avoid using the internet to develop new friendships, as doing so can be dangerous.

How To Find Retirement Communities

събота, 23 юни 2012 г.

Are you planning for your retirement? If you are expected to retire within the next year or two, you may be on the hunt for retirement communities. With so many options to choose from, many seniors are wondering, how they can start familiarizing themselves with their options.

The first step in finding a retirement community is to decide on a location. Do you want to stay in your current community? Have you always dreamed of moving to Florida or another location with beautiful weather? If so, now is the time to make your decision. Targeting your retirement community search to a specific location can save you time.

Once you have decided on a destination, you have a number of different options. If you will be staying in or around your local community, you can turn to your local phone book. There, you will find a number of retirement communities located in the yellow pages or business directory section. These centers may be listed under "retirement," "housing," or "assisted living." Your phone book should provide you with the telephone number of the establishment in question. Contact them for more information.

If you are internet savvy, you can use the internet to find retirement communities. If you already have the name of a retirement home or community, like one that was recommended to you, perform a standard internet search with that company or community name. If the place has an online website, you should be directed to that website. Not only can you get the needed contact information, you will also be provided with other valuable information. This information may include a summary of rates, pictures, room layout plans, a detailed list of onsite services, facilities, and scheduled activities.

In keeping with using the internet to find retirement homes and communities, you can also turn to online business directories and online phone books. Many enable you to search for a business, like a retirement home, by location, such as your chosen destination. The information that you will be provided with should include an address, a telephone number, and possibly a company website link. Be sure to visit the website of the retirement community in question or at least call for additional information.

Typically, you will find it easier to find retirement communities online. In fact, you will likely be provided with more options. Your local phone book may be limited in its information or it may be outdated. If you are not computer savvy yourself, consider asking a friend or trusted family member for help. An afternoon spent together can produce a large list of retirement homes and communities in or around the location of your choice.

Remember that moving into a retirement community is a huge decision. In fact, you will need to do more than just find a retirement community. You will also need to choose one. When making your decision, keep affordability in mind. It is a must to choose a retirement community that you can afford. Also, examine your needs. Do you need assistance with living day-to-day? If so an assisted living retirement community is advised.

The above mentioned methods are all ways that you can go about finding retirement communities. As an important reminder, don't just find a community to live at; choose the one that is the perfect fit for you.

High-low Numbers: Tips On Saving Money On Clothes

Are you craving for the newest designer clothes, a pretty tank top, and that pretty dress? All this fashion comes at a price — you choose.

Buying clothes these days is always a choice between the designer-made outfit or those cheap but quality items that you could pull together and express your personality in many different ways.

Most experts contend that clothes can definitely make or break a person. They say that your personality is usually reflected on how you dress up. But it does not necessarily mean that good fashion would absolutely mean expensive clothes.

Hence, you can still make a remarkable fashion statement without having to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars just for your clothes.

Here is a list of some money-saving tips when buying clothes that would turn other people's heads to you but would not definitely break your wallet.

1. Do the math

Choosing fashionable clothes can be really tricky, not unless you know how to do the math! So before you buy three sets of clothes that would cost you hundreds of dollars, try to go for the budget-friendly dozen of items that you can even match alternatively.

The number of expensive items that your money can buy is definitely doubled or even tripled when you buy cheaper ones but can still make a good fashion statement.

2. Know what you want

Saving money is definitely based on knowing what you want whenever you spend your money on something. If you know what you want, this means that you have researched the item, have compared them with the other items, you will be able to come up with the lowest price of the product.

3. Drive your way to a 'thrift store"

Usually, these 'thrift stores" are non-profit organizations. This means that they are usually operating for charity. They give their proceeds to some charitable institutions.

Hence, the prices of the clothes being sold in the thrift store are absolutely cheaper than the ones being sold in the department store. So that would mean many savings for you.

Best of all, you do not only get to save more money, you get to do some charity work as well.

The bottom line here is that when shopping for clothes, do not shop for the brand name, shop for the quality.

Nowadays, you just have to be practical. Better spend your money on more important things than those designer clothes.

Have You Properly Planned Your Retirement?

Gone are the days of the past when people went from years of labor only to go home and live a rather stale and stagnate lifestyle until reaching death. Today's retirees are more active than ever. Unfortunately, those activities take money and unless you're planning to sit at home and wait for death you should be making plans to take care of all those things you wish you had done earlier in life once you retire.

While you are planning for your financial retirement you should also take the time to make plans for what you will do once you retire. Do you need to join a travel club now in order to have an established membership when the time comes to actually enjoy the benefits of belonging? How about that book of the month club? Many of these clubs are great to join while you have the extra 'disposable' income that goes along with working and having a career. You can take the time now to build up your library. Even if you read the books now, chances are that by the time you retire you'll enjoy the ability to read them again.

If you are retiring today you will want to make plans to go parasailing, take cruises, ride horses, and maybe learn to golf and/or knit. You do not want to spend your golden years sitting at home waiting for the inevitable end. You want to leave this world laughing about all the fun and good times you've had. The stereotypes associated with retirees are changing quickly as the world evolves and people are living longer than ever before.

When you plan your funds you also might want to take the time to have a few daydreams about the places you will go and save a page or two to write about those dreams and sharing them with your partner in life. You should also take time to find out what he or she hopes to do, where he or she hopes to go, and the things that he or she would like to see when making plans for your retirement. After all, you have shared your lives together it only makes sense that you will share the best years of your lives with one another.

There is no better input to get when it comes to your retirement than the input of your life partner. You should also take things in stages and not try to do and see everything in the first months or year of your retirement. The novelty of not going into the office each and every day will wear off quite soon. You will then find that you can only mow your lawn so many times a day without actually doing more harm than good to your grass. You'll know every leave of every flower in your garden, and you will know the inside and outside of every book on your shelves. Don't become a victim of boredom in your retirement as that brings on spending sprees. Find a hobby that doesn't require a considerable investment and you will help prolong the limited funds you will have at retirement and save them for the more important things on your list of 'things to do before you die".

Guide To Better Budgeting

A budget is basically a money plan, outlining your financial goals. Having a budget, you can well establish and regulate funds, set and achieve your financial objectives, and make advance decisions as to how you want your finances to function well for you.

The main idea in budgeting is for you to put aside a certain amount of money for expected as well as unexpected costs.

Simply put, budgeting means an estimation of monthly home expenses basing it on previous expenses and bills.

The initial step to take in budgeting is to find out how long will your compensation last. Define fixed expenses like car payments, home rental, insurance, etc. Likewise follow up your expenditures thoroughly for a month so you can discover and understand where your funds are going. Through proper determination of your 'spending patterns", you can immediately identify solutions for effective budgeting.

For instance, when you have a steady monthly income of $4,000, you should subtract all your identified monthly bills from that income.

Other bills can be assessed and then subtracted from the amount of your income. The balance that remained after fixed costs can now be your budget in the household. Rather than allocating money for miscellaneous like gas, clothing, entertainment and groceries, financial planning will allow you instead to use proportions or percentages of it.

The strategic solution in order for budgeting to be successful is inflexibility as well as flexibility; there are fixed expenses so payment must be an inflexible factor.

Budgeting will best work when very scarce omissions are made to greater limits. The idea here is to formulate goals and plans, then abide by it as much as you possibly can.

Here are tips on how to budget:

1. Have good sense of money management. Your attitude is essential. Reach an agreement and compromise and know the significance of reducing expenditures; it all involves a lot of sacrifice.

2. Plan your situation. Make a listing with your earnings to one side and your overheads on the other side.

3. Know the difference between luxuries and necessities. List down what you believe as luxuries, with it, split the list in half, crossing out half the list.

4. Practice frugality but with dignity. You can have fun with little or without spending at all. Rather than going shopping, play with the kids at the beach or at the park.

Budgeting is an effective and fundamental tool that is readily available to everyone. Consider it, and benefit from it.

Gas Saving Tips

The price of gasoline is on the rise. This is truly a great concern if you are following a tight budget. So how can you save some money on gas? Read these tips.

The carpool system

This is a great idea for employees and students alike. Since all of you will have the same destination, there is no need to bring extra vehicles if you can all fit in one car or van. If you are with your co-workers, it is a good idea to bring your cars alternately or on rotation. If you have children that you bring to school or social events, exchange driving responsibilities with your friends.

Commute to work

You can always take the public transportation system when going to the office. This is also a good way to relax since you are not driving. You can even take a short nap while on your way.

Look at the prices of different gas stations

Take time to drive around and check the pump prices of the gas stations near your neighborhood. Keep in mind that a few cents difference can add up to a lot if you continually have your car re-filled in the same gas station all the time.

Shed some sweat

A good way to save money on gas and keep yourself healthy at the same time is by walking or riding a bike to your destination. It saves time since you do not have to look for parking and also makes you healthier from the exercise. Utilizing these alternatives will also keep you from getting stuck in traffic which will surely waste a lot of your time and gas.

Keep your car in very good condition

It is necessary to keep your car's engine in good running condition so that it will not consume a lot of fuel. When driving around on errands, plan out your route before you even get out of the house. This will minimize your trips going back and forth. If is also ideal to use the aircon as minimal as possible since it drastically increases the car's fuel consumption.

Check your car's tire pressure

Keep it a habit to check your car's tires so each one has the right amount of pressure. Having unequal pressure can greatly affect the car's fuel economy. It is also advised for you to refrain from accelerating too fast since this means burning a lot more fuel.

These are some of the things that you can do to save on gas. Gasoline is not a renewable resource, therefore using it wisely is very important to conserve this valuable commodity.

Forced Into Retirement? What You Should Do

петък, 22 юни 2012 г.

Did you love your job? If so, you may have been happy with your life. That is until your supervisors explained that your company was cutting costs. Due to those cost cutting measures, you are being forced into early retirement. If you are like many other individuals in your shoes, panic may be the first feeling that sets it. Yes, being forced into early retirement may seem like 'the end of the world," but it doesn't have to be.

When being forced into early retirement, you will be required to sign a number of important documents. Never agree to retirement without first learning about your company's rules, restrictions, and attached strings. Will you receive a severance package? Does that severance package eliminate your pension or eliminate you from receiving any other important employee benefits? If so, talk to a financial advisor right away, particularly before you sign anything. Determine what your best course of action is. Is it better to take the severance pay or receive all of your benefits?

Speaking of talking to a financial advisor, you should take this step anyways. Early retirement can throw a wrench into your plans. You may need professional assistance to get those plans fixed and back on track. A financial advisor can examine your retirement wants and needs, determining an estimated figure that you need to comfortably retire. Next, a financial advisor can help you come up with a plan of action to get those needed funds.

In the event that you opt for a severance package, do not spend that money right away. Unfortunately, many forced into retirement make this mistake. If you are living day-to-day, use your money to pay for your necessities, such as food and shelter, but nothing else. If you have "extra," money, deposit it into a savings account or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Doing so may increase your money, based on interest rates and tax benefits.

It is also important to remember that social security benefits come with rules and restrictions. Just because you are forced to retire early, it doesn't meant that you qualify to receive social security yet. That is why you are encouraged to take action and right away. Should you qualify for early social security benefits, due to your age, know that the amount you receive overtime may be smaller than what you intended to live on.

Most importantly, remember that being forced into early retirement doesn't necessarily mean that you have to stop working. If you are asked to retire a few years earlier than planned, you may be unable to do so financially. Will your money run out too soon? If so, working may be your only option.

Before leaving your current job and accepting your company's early retirement package, examine your health insurance. Regardless of your age, you should never be left without health insurance. Depending on your age and your financial standing, you may qualify for Medicare or Medicaid. However, do not leave your job without knowing. COBRA will leave you protected for 18 months, but you should have another plan. If you start working again, you may be able to get health insurance coverage through your new employer after 90 days.

If you haven't been forced into retirement, it is an event that you should still plan for. Many companies are finding themselves losing money. For that reason, they are offering early retirement packages to many of their long-term workers, particularly those that are close to the retirement age. With that in mind, just because you are close to the retirement age, it doesn't mean that you are ready for it. Even if you are only twenty or thirty years old, please know there is a chance you could be forced into early retirement down the road. That is why it is imperative that you start saving for retirement now, as you never know what the future holds.

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