Recession does not mean boredom for your family. You do not have to slump down at home trying to sleep the recession away when you can still have fun without having to spend too much. Here are some ways to keep your family entertained without putting a big dent to your budget.
Grow a Green Thumb – Low Cost Way to Have Fun and Have Food
Gardening is one of the most productive and yet less-costly ways to entertain oneself. If you have the kids helping, you can double the fun. Just as long as you do not use high-maintenance, which are also usually expensive plants, you can have a ball growing vegetables and fruits that you can also use to make your own meals. This means more savings for your family!
Watch your Local Sports Team – Inexpensive Way to Support your Local Team
Kids enjoy watching sports. Support your local sports team by adding yourself and your kid as part of its seated cheering squad.
Go to community events – Low Cost Activity to Enjoy your Neighborhood's Events
Your local local colleges, city bulletin boards, newspaper listings, and libraries usually post special entertainment events that you can attend for free.
Host a Garage Sale – Fun and Inexpensive Way to Earn Extra Income
It's high time to get rid of your old bags that only gather dust in your closet. And what better way to get rid of it than to sell it in a garage sale. A garage sale is not just a way to earn you extra money, it can be highly entertaining, too. Getting the whole family to participate, from gathering the items, pricing and selling them can be a whole bunch of fun.
Backyard Camping – Go Cheap, Local and Fun
You do not need to travel miles to be able to enjoy camping. Your backyard can be one cheaper and less-stressful place to have camping with your family or friends. Just make sure to make the ambience conducive to camping. If you want, you can even invite your nosy neighbors to join you.
Purchase annual passes – Low Cost Amusement
Amusement and water parks usually offer annual tickets that do not cost much. Take advantage of these offers if your family is into this type of entertainment.
Enjoy YouTube – Free Techie Fun
The Internet technology now offers free entertainment via online videos. YouTube is the most popular source of these videos. You can also watch movies through other free movie sites.
Belt it out – Enjoy and Learn while Saving Money
If you do not have a karaoke microphone, you can borrow from your friends. There is also an online version of karaoke that you can also use as a form of free entertainment.
Play Online Games – Not Just for Kids but for Your Wallet's Health, too
There are millions of free online games that you can enjoy with your kids. Whether you want to play word games or puzzle games, the variety of online games is endless.
Set a Family Day – Regular Way to Save Money and Have Fun
Whether you play scrabble, go camping in your backyard, or watch online videos, setting a regular family day doing these simple and yet fun activities will condition your family to look forward to less-expensive ways of having fun. It's a great way to bond with your family members, as well.
Recession-proof Your Family's Entertainment- Low Cost Ways To Have Fun
вторник, 26 юни 2012 г.
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